Known for its transformative impact on childhood development among early years education professionals, many parents in Southeast Asia still aren’t aware of the extraordinary academic benefits of play-based learning.

With more than 27
years’ experience in education across three continents around the world, Head
of Early Years at the British Vietnamese International School Hanoi (BVIS
Cerys Shanley knows children – how they think, play, and how they
learn best.

“Everything that
I’ve learnt, researched and experienced in early childhood development around the world,
leads to play-based learning as the most powerful education for small children
– academically, socially and emotionally,” said Cerys.

“The effectiveness
of learning through play
is well known and respected among early years professionals – it’s widely
recognised as best practice. But beyond that, there’s often a misunderstanding
about what it is.”

What is play-based learning?

internationally renowned creative approach to early childhood development, play-based learning is largely
led by children’s questions and curiosities. Early Years educators specialise
in creating fascinating learning environments to spark children’s imaginations
and ignite different thoughts and questions. In a learning through play classroom like those at BVIS
, teachers build a treasure trove of resources and tools to engage
students, nurturing their critical thinking, creative and social skills to lay
a strong foundation for primary and secondary school.

With more than 27 years’ experience in education across three continents around the world, Head of Early Years at the British Vietnamese International School Hanoi (BVIS Hanoi) Cerys Shanley knows children – how they think, play, and how they learn best.

“The role of
every early childhood
development professional is to engage, interact and play with each
child, to provoke reactions, questions and create opportunities to find the
answers – not give them the answers,” said Cerys.

“Play-based learning
develops their brain in extraordinary ways, empowering them to become confident
global citizens as they grow.”

The early childhood development

Seen as having
some of the greatest impacts in shaping early years education, creator of the
Kindergarten, German-born Friedrich Froebel was among the first to
reject the tradition of teacher-led education – which viewed children as
passive learners.

Froebel believed in the power of learning through play, and recognised the influence of the
formative years on academic achievement, social progress and emotional
regulation,” said Cerys. “His research discovered play-based learning as the leading form of
development in small children.”

Friedrich, Early Years theorist from the early 20th century Susan
Isaacs joined the movement, describing nursery as an extension of home; she
believed in the great educational value of play. In her research, Young
Children are Researchers and What Happens Next
, Susan concluded that “play
is indeed the child’s work, and the means whereby he grows and develops”.

At roughly the
same time, founder and director of the Expertise Center for Experiential
Education (CEGO) Dr Ferre Laevers helped develop a five-point scale to
measure growth through play-based
learning: “Through this research, we know that a deeper learning takes
place when there are high levels of wellbeing and involvement in play,” said


In Vietnam, the British
Vietnamese International School Hanoi
– a Nord Anglia Education
school – is one of the schools pioneering learning through play. The children
are thriving in an environment led by internationally experienced expert Cerys
Shanley, through highly qualified educators trained to nurture play-based learning.

“The importance
of early childhood development was recognised last century by passionate,
forward-thinking pioneers in education. Understanding play as an integral part
of growth in children is still largely misunderstood in Southeast Asia. It’s
our responsibility as experts in the field to teach its importance to fully
embrace each child’s potential in life,” said Cerys.

To learn more
about play-based learning,
tour the classrooms or speak to the early childhood development educators at the British
Vietnamese International School Hanoi, contact the admissions team.

This press release has also been published on VRITIMES